Skripsi ini membahas terjemahan kata kerja frasal idiomatik (idiomatic phrasal verb) yang terdapat dalam novel karya Rudyard Kipling berjudul “Kim”. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prosedur yang digunakan penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan kata kerja frasal idiomatik dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan mengetahui jenis hasil terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Langkah-langkah dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, dan menampilkan hasil. Data diambil dari novel Kim dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dalam pengumpulan data, digunakan metode observasi dan teknik catat. Metode padan translasional digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis adala...
ABSTRACT This thesis entitled Strategies in Translating the idiomatic expression of phrasal verb in ...
The research on the translating idiom aims at 1) describing the level of students� idio...
In this paper, the researcher discussed about idiomatic phrasal verbs as a part of everyday spe...
This study is intended to analyze the Translation Techniques Used in translating the idiomatic phras...
The study in this paper focuses to find out what type of idiomatic phrasal verbs that mostly occurre...
Abstract The aims of this thesis are to figure out the techniques and process of translation of Eng...
Skripsi ini membahas tentang prosedur terjemahan frasa verba yang terdapat di dalam novel karya Agat...
This research focuses on the type of idiom, the translation strategy and its equivalence in The Life...
A translator may find difficulties in doing translation, since every language has differences in gr...
Translation of idioms is classified as translation which requires a ‘special’ strategies since the m...
This thesis is entitled Translation Analysis on Idioms in Diary of Wimpy Kid Translated into Diary s...
Skripsi ini merupakan kajian penerjemahan yang membahas tentang tipe-tipe personifikasi dan prosedu...
Translation is a bridge of language, and a bridge that is connecting one language to another and con...
Skripsi ini menganalisis strategi yang digunakan di dalam menerjemahkan idiom yang ditemukan dalam ...
The obejectives of this reseach is to investigate the strategies applied by the translator in transl...
ABSTRACT This thesis entitled Strategies in Translating the idiomatic expression of phrasal verb in ...
The research on the translating idiom aims at 1) describing the level of students� idio...
In this paper, the researcher discussed about idiomatic phrasal verbs as a part of everyday spe...
This study is intended to analyze the Translation Techniques Used in translating the idiomatic phras...
The study in this paper focuses to find out what type of idiomatic phrasal verbs that mostly occurre...
Abstract The aims of this thesis are to figure out the techniques and process of translation of Eng...
Skripsi ini membahas tentang prosedur terjemahan frasa verba yang terdapat di dalam novel karya Agat...
This research focuses on the type of idiom, the translation strategy and its equivalence in The Life...
A translator may find difficulties in doing translation, since every language has differences in gr...
Translation of idioms is classified as translation which requires a ‘special’ strategies since the m...
This thesis is entitled Translation Analysis on Idioms in Diary of Wimpy Kid Translated into Diary s...
Skripsi ini merupakan kajian penerjemahan yang membahas tentang tipe-tipe personifikasi dan prosedu...
Translation is a bridge of language, and a bridge that is connecting one language to another and con...
Skripsi ini menganalisis strategi yang digunakan di dalam menerjemahkan idiom yang ditemukan dalam ...
The obejectives of this reseach is to investigate the strategies applied by the translator in transl...
ABSTRACT This thesis entitled Strategies in Translating the idiomatic expression of phrasal verb in ...
The research on the translating idiom aims at 1) describing the level of students� idio...
In this paper, the researcher discussed about idiomatic phrasal verbs as a part of everyday spe...